Trademark Fee Structure

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Trade Mark Fees Structure

IPFC Type Government Fee Government Fee
Trademark Physical Filling E-Filling  
Application search fee per class - -
Where the applicant is an Individual / Startup/Small Enterprise (per application / per company) 5,000 4,500
In all other cases(Note: Fee is for each class and for each mark ) 10,000 9,000
On application for: Extension of time, or Certified copy, or Duplicate Registration Certificate, or inspection of document 1000 900
Objection reply drafting - -
Attorney Representation Fee per hearing - -
Documentation for hearing - -
For renewal of registration of a trademark 10,000 9,000
Legal notice of trademark infringement and passing off - -
On a notice of opposition under section 21(1), 64, 66 or 73 or application for rectification of register under section 47 to 57, 68, 77 or application under rule 99, 103, 135,140 or On application under section 25 of Geographical Indication of Goods (Regulations and Protection) Act, 1999 to invalidate a trademark or counter statement related thereto. (Note: Fee is for each class opposed or counterstatement filed) 3,000 2,700
At the stage of filing evidence in support of opposition and application - -
At the stage of hearing - -

Note: The above charges are in respect of registration in normal course and does not include handling serious official objections or oppositions from 3rd parties.

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